Elizabeth Barrette writes poetry, fiction, and nonfiction in the fields of speculative fiction, gender studies, and alternative spirituality. She serves as Managing Editor of PanGaia magazine (www.pangaia.com), Dean of Studies for the Grey School of Wizardry (www.greyschool.com), and a judge for the Pagan Fiction Award contest (http://www.pangaia.com/Fiction.htm). Her poem “Beach Climbing” was just nominated for the Rhysling Award, and her book Composing Magic: How to Write Rituals, Spells, and Magical Poetry is due out in July 2007. She enjoys suspension-of-disbelief bungee-jumping and spelunking in other people’s reality tunnels. Visit her website at: http://www.worthlink.net/~ysabet/sitemap.html.


Heaven Spent” (July 2007)